Day is done, gone the sun, from the lake, from the hill, from the sky. All is well. Safely rest. God is nigh.


Almighty God, with reverence and love, we gather here today to

Honor our departed Comrade.

Make us mindful of his faithful service to God and Country.

Lord bless our faithful Comrade and lead him to his rest.

He served our Nation.  He served and passed the test.

This Veteran was precious to our Country, one who heard the call.

He served to keep this nation free and served us all.

Now we come to pay respect to this honored Veteran.

In praising him, we praise them all who fought with sword and gun.

Farewell to you, we leave you here.  Our debt to you is vast.

To you and every Veteran our gratitude will last.

Sleep here brave one, your Nation bids you well.

You have earned your place in paradise, now rest where heroes dwell.

Three times the last command rang out, three times the shots

broke the lull and a bugler sounded taps.



Donald Ferguson

- Navy

Sam Paladino

- Air Force

Toby Croyle

- Army

David Jones

- Army

James Wydra

- Army

Oliver Lepore

- Army

William Pons

- Air Force

David Trump

- Air Force

Wayne Lamping

- Army

Dan Larocca

- Army

Bob Massamini

- Navy

Rocco Tassone

- Navy

Walter (Butch) Wieczorek Jr

- Air Force

Gerald Brough

- Army

Richard Ward

- Army

Ed Etters

- Army

Carmen Dragotta

- Marines

Thomas Gombar

- Navy

Bucky Rapp

- Navy

Dale Kaufer

- Army

Post 402 2020/2021


Post 402 2019/2020


Post 402 2018/2019


Post 402 2017/2018


Post 402 2016/17

Summary -